Monday, November 30, 2009

Are You 100% Alive?

Many people live their lives with hesitance, apprehension and fear. Most also lack confidence in their own abilities. They are not showing the world all they have to offer. Without realizing it, they’re only 50% alive. There are also those that constantly talk about how wonderful things used to be in the past. Sorry, but those people are living less than 50%. It’s ok to celebrate the past, but you can’t live in it and expect to get the most out of life. Some people are confident and make things happen, but there is a disconnect in how they communicate with others. They’re up the scale a bit, but cap out around 75%.

So what does it mean to BE 100% alive?

It's about being the best version of you. It's taking all the positive attributes you bring to the table, and then exploiting the hell out of them. It's putting yourself in position to succeed - in whatever you do. It's living life without hesitance or apprehension. It’s knowing what you want and making daily decisions that move you closer to it. It's being confident in your abilities – not arrogant, but confident. It's about accepting challenges, exceeding expectations and making a difference in the lives around you.

Living your life this way is contagious. People will want to be a part of whatever you got going on. They'll seek your advice and/or assistance in whatever they have going on. It's about being the richest person in town. Not rich in the monetary sense - it's about emotional wealth.

Ok, you may be asking - sounds interesting, but how do I get there? Well, it's a conscious choice you make every day you get out of bed. Ask people what they like about you and do more of it. Ask people what they don't like about you and do less of it. Figure out what you want out of life and write it down. This will help every day when you have to make decisions. Just ask yourself the simple question - will this move me closer to my goal or farther? If the answer is closer, then do it. If the answer is farther, then don't. It's that simple. If you don't have a goal, then you're living your life by accident - meaning you just react to what life throws at you. That's like wanting to build a house and never drawing up blue prints - just going to Home Depot, buying materials and start building. Do you know anybody who has built a house in that manner? But we watch people live their lives like that everyday.

Don't live your life by accident. Live your life by design. It's never to late to draw up the blue prints, make decisions on things that are in your control and that move you closer to your goals. Then go out and be the best version of yourself. The residual effects will blow you away and you just might become the richest person you know.