Sunday, March 1, 2009

Laughter - Still the Best Medicine

I'm sure we've all heard stories from our parents or grandparents of how challenging it was during the Great Depression.  Many of those that lived through it had emotional scars that lasted a lifetime.  If you read my previous blog post (New to Us, Doesn't Mean it's New), you will see that this is another down cycle in our economy.  Not new, but not easy either.  History tells us that unemployment doesn't peak until 2 years AFTER a recession hits.  It's the delayed domino effect of a contracting economy and the layoffs that ensue.  This means unemployment will peak in 2010, then gradually come back after that.  

That is just how it is and we can't change that.  What we can change is our own behavior in reaction to the reality set before us.  So if you haven't already started, you need to adjust your lifestyle now to prepare for the economic hurricane that is here for a while.  Here are some seemingly simple tips that our society got away from over the past few years:

-- Stop keeping up with the "Jones's"
-- Don't charge - pay cash (what a novel concept).
-- Set a family budget.
-- Last time I checked, laughter is still FREE - so start laughing more.

Did you know that children laugh 10 times more per day than adults?  Why does that change?  You're born with laughter, its being serious that you learn.  Here is a list of ways that laughter is good for your health:

--  It boosts your immune system.
--  It relieves stress & lowers your blood pressure.
--  It increases blood flow & oxygenation of your blood which makes you heal faster.
--  It actually increases your intellectual performance & boosts your information retention.
-- makes your cheeks sore.

So get more laughter in your life.  Google words like "laughter" and "jokes" and see what comes up.  Read a humorous book.  If you're going to the movies, see a comedy or go to a comedy club.  When you hear a funny story, share it with five people.  It won't bring you good luck like the e-mail chain, but it will help five more people smile.  Whatever you do, don't take yourself too seriously.  Enjoy yourself, and if you can't enjoy yourself - enjoy somebody else. ;-)

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